Monday, April 23, 2007


The weather has turned and for the last few days the sun's heat has warmed my world. No more sweatshirts and jeans. More more hats and gloves. I was actually thinking to start planting some flowers for the patio. It's too late for tulips but there is plenty of time for lilles and daisies.
I went to the city yesterday to attend a play with a friend. In our post culture meal she asked me a lot of questions about my church. She explained that she was working with some Christians and admitted thier strength was truly amazing to her and she was impressed by thier ability's to maintain peace and composure at a job that few make it in for more than a year or two.
She suggested that this whole "Christian thing" might have some validity to it. She has been reading the bible as well. Last August her heart was very cold and brazenly told my husband that she could never see herself bow down to anything or anyone.
I will continue to pray for her that she may see the same warmth on the planet as I do.

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